1st Month In Business & Corona Virus, How To Survive As A Small Business!
So...You want to start a business in 2020?
My first month in business has been a hectic one to say the least!
- Ups & Downs
- Small wins
- Big wins
A little bit of drama, but we won’t get into that today ☕
We had an amazing launch selling out both the Brown Sugar & Royal Blue colours of our feature jumpsuit, I can’t thank everybody enough for the support I’ve received from friends, family & anybody who has come into contact with Bad Society Club
The love has been unreal!
The Corona Virus (COVID-19) outbreak also took a major turn for the worst last month which saw most parts of the world into Lockdown.
My Thoughts & Prayers are with everybody who has lost loved ones during this tough time.
The government want us to stay in the house
Stores, gyms, public places all closed!
Important safety measures to keep us protected from the virus, Quarantine Time!
Here’s 3 Tips I recommend for small businesses to surviving through this crisis:
- Keep Marketing Your Brand/Business: “When Times Are Good, You Should Advertise. When Times Are Bad, You Must Advertise”
- Take Time Out To Learn Your Customer
Send E-Mail surveys, Host Q&As, Interact with your customer & learn exactly how to satisfy the needs of the customer
- Gather social proof and testimonials from your customers, this will help others who haven’t come into contact with your brand before feel confident to shop on your store.
I could write so much more let me know if you want more business tips for small brands.
Always happy to help!
Oh, And one last thing…
Always Celebrate Your Wins! No Matter How Small
It will keep you motivated & driven to reach your next goal.
Stay Home,
Be Safe
Bad Society Club
Ive literally seen this Brand go from a few thousand people and basic buzz to a Whomping 90K in support in just a matter of months. What was big about the growth and how quickly it came was your passion and consistency! I love this Brand and absolutely appreciate your Hustle!
Amazing! Keep going and keep teaching us how you built your legacy. It’s amazing to see this brand build from the ground up! Continue the hard work!
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